P U R I T I I portables Wasserfiltersystem, dieses Produkt möchte ich euch wirklich ans Herz legen!
Mit dem tragbaren Wasserfiltersystem genießt ihr sauberes, frisches und keimfreies Trinkwasser immer und überall. Egal aus welcher Leitung oder aus welchem Bach, Fluß oder Tümpel. Das Wasser wird direkt gefiltert und ist somit frei von Schadstoffen, Viren, Keimen, Bakterien, Hormonen, Mikroplastic !
Das ist im Moment wirklich einzigartig und in der heutigen Zeit einfach ein MUSS! Egal in welchem Land, aus welcher Leitung, mit der Flasche seid ihr einfach sicher, dass ihr euer frisches Wasser beruhigt trinken könnt!
Wichtige Mineralien und Salze bleiben erhalten, daher ist der Filter nicht geeignet um die Flasche mit Meerwasser zu füllen.
Hier könnt ihr die Puritii Wasserflasche direkt kaufen!
Sie produzieren keinen Kosten oder Abfälle. Die Flasche ist aus umweltfreundlichen Tritan Plastik.
Für mehr Info's senden Sie mir eine Email.
"Wo nichts - alles bedeutet."
Die Produktlinie von Puritii umfasst Luft- und Wasserfilter, einschließlich ökofreundliche Wasserflaschen.
How does the lter work?
OLD: PuritiiTM has eliminated the need for bottled tap water.
Puritii features a unique, patented AquaSpearTM technology that suppresses the growth of bacteria, algae, fungus, mold and mildew within the lter media. Puritii’s patent-pending ZeoSleeveTM has been treated with microspears in a patented process that pierce the cell membranes of waterborne organisms on contact.
NEW: The functionality of the AquaSpear and ZeoSleeve are incorporated into the loose granular media and are no longer applicable to this new lter. The two-part ltration system includes a proprietary loose granular media which contains zeolite and ne coconut carbon media blend and the proprietary pleat pack which has been engineered to lter out biological, chemical and emerging contaminants. It does so with an incredible ow rate – as easy as drinking water through a straw.
Does our lter meet NSF standards?
OLD: Yes! In fact, the Puritii ltering power is 100x greater than NSF standards. NSF requires chlorine to be removed at >50% removal with a single pass when owing at 200/mL/min. and a starting concentration of >2ppm chlorine. The Puritii Filter accomplishes this owing at 500mL/min. and does it for 2X the rated capacity of the lter.
NEW: The EPA and NSF have determined which contaminants are the most detrimental to our health and have set limits for these contaminants. The list is not comprehensive list – but the best recommendation and frame of reference. We test for many more contaminants. You can reference those on our website for the complete list of contaminants we test for. Also, for the key microbial and chemical contaminants we meet or exceed those standards.
Why should I use a lter when I have bottled water?
OLD:While most people think drinking water from the tap is safe, they don’t realize that bacteria and viruses can be swimming
in your drinking glass, and traces of toxic metals and industrial contaminants are found in nearly every city water system. The laws for monitoring US tap water have not been updated for over 40 years, and the government requires testing for only 91 out of thousands of contaminants known to be dangerous.
NEW: Same answer as above.
Isn’t tap water safe to drink?
A. OLD: Did you know that your neighbor’s prescriptions could be coming out of your kitchen tap? Many drugs, such as antibiotics and birth control medications pass virtually unchanged through the human body and end up back in our water supplies. Researchers routinely nd dozens of pharmaceuticals in tap water samples, and even in our rivers and lakes, including painkillers, antidepressants, 12 and even worse drugs, like methamphetamines and cocaine.
While most people think drinking water from the tap is safe, they don’t realize that bacteria and viruses can be swimming in your drinking glass, and traces of toxic metals and industrial contaminants are found in nearly every city water system.
NEW: Tap water can be contaminated with a variety of pollutants that your municipal water program may not be testing for. These contaminants are called “emerging contaminants”. For example, did you know that your neighbor’s prescriptions could be coming out of your kitchen tap? Many drugs, such as antibiotics and birth control medications pass virtually unchanged through the human body and end up back in our water supplies. Researchers routinely nd dozens of pharmaceuticals in tap water samples, and even in our rivers and lakes, including painkillers, antidepressants, 12 and even worse drugs, like methamphetamines and cocaine.
While most people think drinking water from the tap is safe, they don’t realize that bacteria and viruses can be swimming in your drinking glass, and traces of toxic metals and industrial contaminants are found in nearly every city water system.
Does the Puritii Water Filter change the pH of water?
OLD: The Puritii Water Filter slightly raises the pH of the water put into the bottle, but the change is so small that we do not report
or claim that the lter produces alkaline water. Alkaline water is
a growing trend and may o er some health bene ts, but these currently have little scienti c backing. Every substance we take into our bodies (food, water, supplements, etc.) has an inherent pH that may be either acidic or basic. Soda, for example, is usually between pH 2-3 and is akin to drinking undiluted vinegar. Most vegetables and fruits have alkaline forming compounds. To say that alkaline water has a health e ect above that of a healthy and pH-appropriate diet is currently scienti cally unsupported.
Each organ system within our bodies has an inherent pH and the ability to bu er incoming substances, be they acidic or alkaline. The Puritii Water Filter removes dangerous chemicals, bacteria, and viruses that are common in tap and bottled water while maintaining the original pH (the pH of tap water is regulated to be between 6.5 and 9.5, so your tap water may be alkaline already).
Because we cannot de nitively recommend alkaline water from a health standpoint, we have not included that feature in our Puritii Water Filter and do not plan to incorporate it into future versions of the product.
NEW: Same answer as above.
Can I lter ocean water?
OLD: The Puritii lter was speci cally designed to lter fresh water, not salt water.
NEW: Same as above.
Does Puritii produce “Zero Water?”
OLD: Zero Water is double distilled water that no longer contains useful minerals. Distilled water is also known as “hungry water” in that it attracts minerals from the body to itself, a process known
as chelation, and is harmful for the body. Once the water passes through the kidneys, some of these vital nutrients are expelled and long-term use can result in damaging mineral de ciency. While Puritii removes harmful chemicals, toxins, heavy metals, and volatile organic compounds, it does not remove these essential minerals and it therefore does not produce what is known as “Zero Water.”
NEW: Same answer as above.
How long does the lter last?
OLD: The lifespan of the Puritii lter varies depending on how much it is used. On average, our long-lasting lters remain e ective for up to 3 months of daily use, or approximately 300 bottles of water, or 50 gallons of water.
NEW: The recommended time to change lters is 60 gallons – or about every 2 months with daily use.
Are the water lters recyclable?
OLD: While our lters are not recyclable, they save land lls from approximately 300 plastic water bottles per unit. Both Puritii bottles are reusable and recyclable.
NEW: The new lter saves over 450 plastic water bottles per unit. Both Puritii bottles are reusable and recyclable.
What can I lter through my Puritii water bottle?
OLD: Puritii is speci cally designed to lter unwanted substances from fresh water sources. It is not meant to lter other liquids, such as co ee, soda, tea, salt water, juice, etc.
NEW: Same as above.
It is hard for me to suck water through my bottle, is this normal?
OLD: Because the Puritii lter is such a high power lter, it is normal to have to use some sucking power to get water up through the bottle. However, if it seems unusually hard to get water through, please don’t hesitate to contact our support team at 1-855-462- 7449 between 8:00am-6:00pm MST.
NEW: The good news is it is easy now! Because of how the pleat pack is designed—it allows for three times the ow rate than the old one.
After ltering, a test revealed there are still sub- stances in my water. Why is this?
OLD: Our lters work to remove harmful substances like toxins and chemicals, while leaving behind bene cial minerals for optimal health. These minerals are what is showing up on your test.
NEW: Same as above.
How much water does each bottle hold with the lter in place?
OLD: The stainless steel bottle holds 16 ounces with the lter in, whereas the plastic bottle holds 20 ounces with the lter in place.
NEW: Available in 16-ounce stainless steel or 25-ounce, eco- friendly TritanTM plastic, free of BPAs, BPSs or any other bisphenols, and EA-free. Puritii water bottles are leak proof, dishwasher safe and perfect for home, o ce and on-the-go!
Does the Puritii Water Puri cation System take out uoride?
OLD: The Puritii Water lter might remove some uoride, but it has not been tested against this contaminant so we do not claim that the Water Filter removes uoride. For a list of contaminants the Water Filter has been tested against, see the Contaminant Removal Test Results (http://www.puritii.com/water/_/pdf/puritii_testing_ procedures.pdf)
NEW: We are testing the uoride and expect to have the testing results back soon. Check the website often for updated study results.
What does the lter remove?
OLD: Bacteria Removal: 99.9999% (including E. coli, Klebsiella, Vibrio cholerae and many more)
Virus Removal: 99.99% (including coronavirus, hepatitis A virus (HAV), poliovirus, and polyomavirus)
Protozoa Removal: 99.99% (including Cyclospora cayetanensis, Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts), and Giardia lamblia)
Parasites Removal: 99.99% (including Ascaris lumbricoides, Schistosoma mansoni, Dracunculus medinensis, and many more)
Chemical Reduction: Activated coconut shell carbon reduces chemical residue such as: waterborne chemicals, pesticides, VOCs, chemical pollutants, radioactive substances, medical residues, and heavy metals
4,4’-DDT Aldrin Endosulfan 1 Lindane
Potential Health E ect*
Cancer, Reproductive damage
Cancer, Reproductive damage
Liver, kidney damage
Liver, Kidney, nervous system damage
Puritii Reduction Rate %
>95 >96.3 >98.2 >99.3
Puritii Reduction Rate %
>99.3 >99.5 99.8 >99 59.3
Puritii Reduction Rate %
95 95 95 95
NEW: See Below
Lead Copper Mercury Arsenic Chromium
Potential Health E ect*
Kidney, nervous system
Gastro-enteric disease
Kidney, nervous system
Skin, nervous system
Kiver, kidney, circulatory system disorders
Potential Health E ect* Puritii Reduction Rate %
Bacteria Virus Parasite
Gastro-enteric diseases
Gastro-enteric diseases 99.5 Gastro-enteric diseases >99.997
Bisphenol A
Per uoro-n- Octanoic Acid (PFOA)
Per uorooctane Sulfonamide (PFOSA)
Potential Health E ect*
Kidney disorders, endocrine disruptor
Kidney disorders, endocrine disruptor
Reproductive system damage
Endocrine disruptor, cancer
Endocrine disruptor, reproductive and neurodevelopmental disorders
Endocrine disruptor, reproductive and neurodevelopmental disorders
Puritii Reduction Rate %
99.5 99.5 99.6 99.5 94.4
Puritii Reduction Rate %
97.9 41.3 97.8 >99.8 >99.9
Bromodi- chloromethane
Bromoform Chloroform
Chlorodibromo- methane
Potential Health E ect*
Muscle, nervous system damage Muscle, nervous system damage Muscle, nervous system damage Muscle, nervous system damage
The supplied lters were submerged into a reservoir of General Test Water Type 1 (GTW1, NSF P231). The test water was drawn up through the lter at 3.50 inHg. Each lter was conditioned
by the passage of 10 liters of GTW1 prior to being subjected to the ltration challenge study. The indicated challenge species were added to GTW1 (pH 7.5) and homogenized. Each lter was submerged in the challenge water and passed through each lter at an approximate ow rate of 833-909 mL/min at 3.50 inHg. Following the passage of 1 liter of challenge water through the lter, duplicate samples of the e uent were collected in sterile containers.
Testing performed using standard NSF/ANSI test methodology. * Potential Health E ects Source: EPA booklet 815-K-97-002
Chlorine Fluoride Benzene Styrene
Isopropyl- benzene
Potential Health E ect*
Eye/nose irritation, stomach discomfort
Varied, including brain and thyroid disorders
Cancer, leukemia, anemia Cancer, leukemia, anemia Cancer, leukemia, anemia
Why did the water look cloudy the rst time I used it?
You may notice a ne carbon dust only with your rst use of the lter. Completely safe and harmless to ingest, this is a part of the lter design and comes from the proprietary media blend of zeolite and ne ground coconut carbon.
What is the “pleat pack” and what does it do?
It functions much like a net that keeps out the contaminants—and it’s a much bigger net than the old lter. This net basically keeps the contaminants from getting through the lter.
One other unique aspect of the lter is that it emits a positive electrostatic charge which attracts the negatively-charged microbial and chemical impurities, acting much like a magnet to trap these contaminants in the lter media.
This lter is also antimicrobial.
Will the new lter work with my old water bottles?
Yes, we have a lter adapter that will work with both the plastic and stainless steel. Of course, we encourage you to try the new and better Tritan plastic bottle!
How do you store the lter?
Unopened Puritii water lters can be stored in an area of low humidity and away from extreme temperatures for up to one year.
Used lters must be dried thoroughly and placed in a sealable bag for storage. Inspect the lter before using it again for signs of mold or damage.